Make your bed every day.
Check your people-pleasing tendencies at the door.
Pick up a hobby that’s only purpose is to make
you feel good.
Budget for little indulgences that make you feel
better every month.
Commit to less negative self talk.
Put a small memory in a jar every day.
Distance yourself from — or end —
relationships that drain you more than they energize you.
Cut “should” from your vocabulary.
Treat yourself like your best friend.
Find a therapist you really, really like.
Say “no” more — without explaining yourself.
Complain less.
Treat emotional pain like physical pain.
Get enough sleep.
Take up journaling.
Don't compare yourself to others.
Spend more alone time with yourself.
Start every day by reminding yourself of one
positive thing about your life.
Cut back on social media.
Decorate your space so you’re surrounded by
inspiring things.
Do more things that make you a little less anxious.
Share what you’re going through with friends.
Celebrate little victories more often.
and Blue is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional
mental medical care and diagnosis. None of the advice, or natural
therapies and supplements mentioned should be used without clearance
from your physician or mental health care provider. The information
contained within this blog is not intended to provide specific
physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for
any individual or company, and should not be relied upon in that
regard. I am not a licensed mental health therapist and nothing on
this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.