Sunday, October 8, 2017

Deep In the Valley

I have been dealing with something that has completely blindsided me. It knocked me down and I wasn't able to get up for a long, long time. 

It’s hard to follow your own advice.  I know, because I have been fighting a serious depression for over a year now. I kept it to myself because; I didn’t want to admit that I am depressed. I won’t go into the circumstances that brought me to this point.

I have written many posts of how one should exercise to increase the endorphin's in your body that would help relieve stress and help your mood, espoused the many benefits of yoga/meditation, and the importance of a spiritual/religious practice.

Instead, I did the opposite of what I know I should do. I ate too much, exercised very little,  and I basically stopped practicing the rituals that held me together mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  My faith was shattered and I stopped going to church. My writing suffered too.

I am slowly climbing out of this valley I have found myself in.  Through therapy, I am tackling the issues I am facing. There are days that I vacillate between feeling hopeful and other days I feel weary and hopeless. Still, I get out of my apartment and walk when I do my errands or just go to a park. This post is the first I have written in months.  I am eating better, and I am visiting other churches until I find one that fits my needs. My mood has improved. 

I can now see a rainbow when I look up from this deep, deep valley.