Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Winter - a season of darkness, celebrations, starkness, and dormancy. The days are short and darkness descends upon us more quickly. Clouds streak charcoal across a silver sky. Plants lie dormant, trees are barren, and the birds have flown away to warmer climes. Despite, the celebrations of Christ, Kwanzaa, Valentine's Day, and others; winter can be a difficult time for many of us.

 It has been for me. I'm one of those people who do not look forward to winter. I have often despised the long gray, dark cold days that drives me indoors. Like many, I soothe my cabin fever with way too many comfort foods, sweets, and television.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder associated with depression and seasonal changes of light. SAD is caused by the shift in our internal clocks. The dark days and lack of sun throws off our circadian rhythms. The symptoms of SAD are: apathy, despair, tension, mood changes, lethargy, overeating, avoiding social contact, and decreased interest in physical contact.

But, this year, I decided to take a different approach. Winter should be inspirational, contemplative, and a time of renewal. It is a time to contemplate those who have left us, give thanks for what we have, and renew our vision of the future. It is also a time when we seek warmth and comfort in front of a fireplace. For those who don't have a fireplace – candles can be an excellent substitute. Candles can bring warmth and romanticism to your home. Incense is fragrant and meditative for the spirit. Francincense and Myrrh evokes emotional balance for anxiety and stress as well as being appropriate to use for prayer and meditation.

I have a stocked up on scented candles and incense, books I plan to read, composition notebooks (for my writing). I keep good healthy food and teas in the refrigerator. I will bundle up and walk during the daylight hours, get enough sleep, pray and meditate, and do my yoga. Soon, we will move our clocks forward and Spring will burst forth with longer, warmer days, and the reminder that we can take advantage of the dark, inspiring, and contemplative days of Winter.

Black and Blue is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional mental medical care and diagnosis. None of the advice, or natural therapies and supplements mentioned should be used without clearance from your physician or mental health care provider. The information contained within this blog is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company, and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not a licensed mental health therapist and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.

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